Nov 29, 2016

The Chamber's Member Success Stories Series

Let's celebrate, support and encourage our local entrepreneurial successes!

Each month, the Saint John Region Chamber Member Success Stories series highlights one of the many entrepreneurial leaders in our community.

The idea behind the series is to get everyone talking about how Saint John is a great place to both do business, and to be in business.

I hope you'll take a moment to read, share, and, most importantly, spend at our many locally-owned businesses. Each dollar we spend locally results in more money returned to our economy when those businesses increase their purchasing and hiring power.

It's up to all of us to ensure there's a steady stream of success stories in our future.

If you'd like to submit your business to be featured, or you'd like to suggest a business to feature, get in touch with The Chamber today.

Nov 16, 2016

Luna C's Post-Spaycation Postcard

Well, that sure was a trip!

I've been working my tail off  keeping up with busyness here at Way Up Strategic Solutions, so I was really excited when Chris told me that she was sending me on a spaycation.

Thing is - and don't tell Chris - but I don't remember a thing about my spaycation. I do remember stopping off at the vet - probably for pre-travel shots - but after that, nothing.  I don't know how long I was gone, where I went, or what I did.

And I have no freakin' idea how my belly fur got shaved. Must have been one wild party. But, at least I didn't go too crazy - I mean, I didn't get married at some Elvis-impersonator wedding chapel, and I didn't get an I Love Tom tattoo, so all's well. Belly fur will grow back. I just hope it grows back fast, before Chris notices.

Oct 12, 2016

Celebrating the Energy Outstanding Businesses Bring to our Community

For the past three years, I've been having a great time as a member of the Saint John Region Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Business Awards Task Force.

#OBASJ - it's all about celebrating the energy and enthusiasm that our region's many successful businesses, organizations and individuals bring to our community.

Our lucky all-volunteer committee gets to plan and execute one of The Chamber's signature events (and the most fun event, I might add... but I may be a bit biased.)

In addition to a lot of fun, it's also an opportunity to live my Way Up values of helping to ensure our community members feel supported and celebrated as they grow their businesses, spread their wings and achieve their dreams.

Congratulations to all the winners and finalists. You're all stars and it's our honour to recognize your contributions!

Event details:
2016 Outstanding Business Awards
Thursday, Oct 13th
Saint John Trade and Convention Centre
Reception: 5:30pm
Dinner 6:00pm

There's still time to get tickets!
Go to The Chamber website for details.

Sep 23, 2016

New Partner at Way Up Solutions

Hi, my name is Luna C, and I'm Chris' new busy-ness partner at Way Up Strategic Solutions.

(I know! I thought that was an odd way to spell it, too, but Chris said it perfectly describes what I do.) I'll leave the playing with words to Chris. I'm more into playing with string. 

Enthusiastic and with a keen attention to every minute detail, I also bring an exceptional ability to climb Way Up high on just about anything for a ten thousand foot perspective. I'm very flexible in my approach to problem-solving. I will, literally, bend over backwards to reach my goals.
I don't always work, but after I do, I take a nap.

I'm known for my insatiable curiosity. Present something new to me and I'll get to know it from every angle - even if it means I have to rip it open to see what's really inside. Chris says I should remember what they say about curious cats. I say my tenacity will ensure she keeps her communications and crisis management skills honed and at the ready 24/7.

If you need communications, marketing, crisis management help for your business, call me. Er, scratch that... Call Chris. I'm not much into answering the phone. I'm more of the keyboard and mouse type. (Cliché...I know, but I couldn't resist.)

So, let me say that again: If you need communications, marketing, crisis management help for your business, call Chris. She'll take good care of you, just like she does with me. 

Sep 22, 2016

UP to "some good" with POWER UP!

Brenda Murphy and Vicki Cosgrove at the Saint John Women’s Empowerment Network asked for my help to create promotional materials for a new train-the-trainer program they’ll offer in spring ‘17. The program is open to women across Canada interested in offering POWER UP! leadership empowerment training in their communities.

The Saint John WEN's POWER UP! program has empowered over 300 local women in the past 7 years, and helped them be successful in taking their next steps in life.

Way Up Strategic Solutions and POWER UP! – sounded like a perfect match! Count me in!

I wrote, designed and created this promotional sell sheet that can be printed, shared on social media or emailed and my clients can make modifications on their own going forward (saves them time and money). My talented partners at Rod Stears Photography shot the photos of Kathy and Trish, two POWER UP! graduates featured in the materials.

You can learn more about this powerful community success story at www.sjwen.caon their Facebook page or by contacting Brenda Murphy at the Saint John Women's Empowerment Network  by email or phone: (506) 642-9033.

Are you looking for help with a communications or marketing project?  Get in touch! I'd love to find solutions with you. Reach me at by email or by phone (506) 343-5154.

P.S.: Everyone at the SJ Women’s Empowerment Network would greatly appreciate your help to spread the word about this new program. If you know of anyone who might be interested in the POWER UP! instructor training course, or if you have contacts around the country who might be willing to share the sell sheet with their networks, please let Brenda know.

Sep 1, 2016

Look Up. Waaayyy Up.

For many fellow Canadians, before All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulguhm, there was The Friendly Giant.

Dressed in our footy pajamas, we'd perch on our living room floors with our faces so close to the boxy black and white television set that we could almost climb in. We believed the castle really was so big that you had to look waaayyy up. And we watched right to the very end to make sure those three wooden chairs got put back exactly where they belonged before the drawbridge closed.

Friendly, Jerome and Rusty
Much has changed since the days of rabbit ears and two channels, but one thing that will never change: the value of a well told story.

Friendly Giant taught us, in his quiet, thoughtful way, to use words, pictures and music to not only tell, but to show stories.

There's always more to learn, but most of what we professional communicators really need to know, we learned from Friendly, Jerome and Rusty.

Oh, and while poking around the internet thinking about this post, I stumbled upon this:

Look Up – Way Up! The Friendly Giant
The Biography of Robert Homme by Grant D. Fairley

In case you're wondering... hell yeah, I bought it!

Aug 24, 2016

What Does a PR Professional Do?

I'm a communications and PR professional. I've been in the industry for years. And for years, my parents have asked: Christine, what is it exactly that you do, anyway?

I was glad to learn that I'm not the only one with this identity crisis.

As Amanda Laird wrote in her CNW Newswire article: "Whether you’re still slogging your way through PR school or you’ve been in the business for years, you know how difficult it is to explain what exactly it is that you do."

Mom and Dad, if you're reading this...