Jun 19, 2020

A Maritime AFP Chapter Seeks to Eradicate the Fundraising Ick-Factor

Foundation Magazine March/April 2020

"Raise your hand if you think fundraising is icky.”

Every one of the nonprofit board members lowered their eyes and raised their hands.

“It’s okay. You’re not alone,” I assured. “I’m here to show you how to put the fun in fundraising.” Thankfully, someone chuckled at my groan-inducing pun. 

I led the group through a Fundraising 101 presentation. We reviewed the operational tools needed for fundraising success and I stressed the importance of a compelling case for support. Heads nodded. A few people scribbled notes. But when I brought up a culture of philanthropy, heads raised and cocked to the side a bit. A culture of what?  Read more in the Mar/Apr issue of FOUNDATION Magazine...